With this version is there a file folder in which I can place my file and it will open in Word with Applescript, both with the Word app open or closed? As mentioned above, there seems to be an issue with the default file path when opening Word through Applescript In this case the file display is blank and the filename at top appears to be appending the ~Documents/Microsoft User Data/filename path to the ~/Library/Containers//Data path.

With the release of Version 15.41 for Mac user, no new features were added. My original ~Documents/Microsoft User Data folder now works again correctly,Įxcept when the Word app is closed. Once you become a Microsoft Office 365 subscriber, you regularly get updated. Now with v16.9.1 the ~Library/Containers//Data/Documents file location no longer works ( I receive the same "Sorry, we couldn't find your file" message). For example, if you want to revert back on all the Office apps, delete them all. Office 365, please note that MathType only supports Word versions 15.41 and later. Scroll down and right-click + Move to Trash on the apps you wish to remove. To insert an equation: the MathType tab in the Microsoft Word ribbon. I changed my file path location from ~Documents/Microsoft User Data to ~Library/Containers//Data/Documents and the script opened the file correctly with v16.9. If you are running a 16.xx build and wish to revert to 15.xx, follow these steps: Quit out of all Office 2016 for Mac apps. Was it moved, renamed, or deleted?" message if Word is open, or a blank document will display if Word was I'm tempted, based on what I've read here, to try to find Office 2011 and forget the 2016 version until I see that Microsoft has fixed it. But there are still a number of other problems in both Word and Excel. With v16.9, placing the file in my ~Documents/Microsoft User Data folder and calling the script receives a "Sorry, we couldn't find your file. All Microsoft support could do was to revert me back to 15.41, so now I have those fonts. Even if Word is closed, it will open and the file will display correctly in Word. Typically placed the file in ~Documents/Microsoft User Data folder and the Applescript will open it (On n, Tell application "Microsoft Word", Open file n). I have different symptoms resulting from placing the file in various places. This Applescript has been working for 10+ years. 2018 MacWord2016 v16.9 updates my Applescript no longer opens Word documents as before.